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Writer's pictureMichael Woodward

Gradings at Ascend Martial Arts

Gradings at Ascend Martial Arts are a regular event that we will hold every three or so months. During a grading, you may be eligible to challenge for your next grade or rank in your chosen martial arts discipline. We’ve made this article for you to understand what it is you’ll be required to do at a grading, and why we do it!

Black Belts in Karate practicing a high side kick

Why Grade?

Some people may ask what the point of grading is, or why you would bother to do it in the first place; after all, the colour of your belt doesn’t always correlate to your skill level in a martial art. Whilst there is a set standard for skill proficiency at each grade, a good way to look at grades is not as a direct representation of your skill, but rather as a subdivision of your own personal martial arts journey. Your grade won’t dictate your skill level, but rather it will give you a frame of reference to work on when you go back to reflect on your learning progression; you’ll be able to clearly see your technique and understanding advance over the years much easier when you look back to what you were capable of at each grade. Whilst the grade you will be given usually comes in the form of a physical item such as a belt, stripe or Pra Jiad, a grade should most of all have intrinsic value to you, and be a manifestation of your own personal journey.

A Karate Belt and a pair of Muay Thai Pra Jiad
Karate Belt (Top) and Thai Pra Jiad (Bottom)

How Often Do I Grade?

Put briefly, you’ll grade quite frequently to start, and more slowly as time goes on. Gradings happen at the same time for everyone, however you might not be invited to every grading. Whether you are invited to grade depends on a few factors which are: your proficiency level, your time since your last grading and your class attendance. For each grade you must be consistently demonstrating the level of skill associated with that grade in regular classes; This is why class attendance is so important, as it allows your instructors to monitor your progress and confirm that you are improving. As you move up in grades, you will start to only get invited to every second or third grading event as you will be expected to be exponentially more proficient at each grade.

Children practicing a Karate kata

What Happens at a Grading?

Gradings are conducted similarly to a regular class, except that you will be given minimal help from instructors for technique, and you will be showing your instructors what you have learnt and what you are capable of doing on your own. Your instructors will be providing you with scenarios and situations that will call on you to demonstrate your ability and proficiency relative to the grade you are challenging for. You may also be tested on your fitness and strength during gradings as well!

Two people doing Muay Thai pad work for a grading

Can I Fail a Grading?

Technically yes, however, it’s unlikely that you will as your instructors would not invite you to a grading that they did not feel you were capable of completing. As you move up in grades, you will be expected to perform more advanced techniques with less mistakes, however, the most important thing to do to help ensure you pass is give it your best effort for the entire grading!

Muay Thai class photo at Ascend Martial Arts

Gradings are an important part of learning a martial art, so when you’re challenging for your next grade, always make sure to give it your all so that your grade then means something to you!


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